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Buying And Using Fake IDs At College.


college kids walkingBooks, tuition, a dorm room, your courses...and finding a fake id. These are the staples of most college students. Fake driver's licenses on college campus are as common as the name of the schools football team, and the hub of buying and selling fake ids is mostly online. If you want to drink on campus you need a fake id. It's that simple. Most partying is done in the downtown district, and if you don't have a fake driver license, you're left sitting in the dorm while others are enjoying the downtown college nightlife. Friday and Saturdays are the time to unwind...and for many that means alcohol and clubbing.


college kids partyingThe question on a students mind is how and where to buy a fake id. Where do I go to find a fake id on campus? I can ask around and find people who have been there a few years and know where to go to find an authentic-looking counterfeit driver license. Sure, every college campus has it's share of young entrepreneurs printing fake ids out of their dorm room, but those tend to be less sophisticated fakes that mostly likely are to get confiscated at some point in time. Enter the online fake id websites. 


high school kids partyingAs a college student looking to score a fake id you have several common choices: 

1) Buy a fake id from a student on campus selling his crafted fake ids. 

2) Buy a fake driver license from a shady character selling a more sophisticated fake driver license that is connected to some criminal enterprise. 

3) Get online and buy a fake id from an internet fake id website. 

4) Finding and obtaining a genuine state-issued driver license from someone you know that is already of legal age and gives you his/her ID. 


inside nightclubGetting access to a fake id is surprising simple on campus. Most people know of a friend of a friend of a friend who know a person that can make you a decent-looking fake id. Supplying fake ids for college students is a supply-and-demand enterprise just like and other product and people are ready to fill that market. 

A recent survey has found that as many as 50% of all college students have access to buying a fake id card. The reason for such a high percentage is the internet and the numerous sites that sell genuine fake driver's licenses online. With a lesser number buying their fake ids from campus sellers, the campus sellers tend to sell less-sophisticated looking copies of driver's licenses at a cheaper price top less-discriminating buyers. Such people don't mind if their fake id cards gets confiscated so long as it got them into bar and clubs at least a few times. 


kids at collegeYet the average person on a college campus that possesses some skills, and a decent printer, can and do manufacture some decent-looking fake id cards that can pass liquor store owners, their employees.....and even some bouncers. This leads to many students lookig to buy theri fake drivers license from shady online fake id websites located in the worst countries on Earth.

"Technology in printing fake ids has advanced so quickly and cheaply that making a fake driver license from home is now a cottage industry. Gone are the days when making a fake id required expensive printers, supplies and laminating sheets of printer paper between plastic sheets. Advancements in computer graphics and photoshop programs have changed the playing field." 


bouncer standing at bar entranceThe tendency nowadays is to purchase a fake id online because the quality is superior and the cost have come down to what you would pay someone in a dorm room for a less superior product. 

The end result of your college fake id search is the moment you decide to use it. Now you find yourself standing in a line of people outside a nightclub. The line of people inches along towards some hulking guy standing at the door checking ids. He holds some sort of computer and uses it to examine the driver licenses handed to him. Your heart starts pounding. You begin to sweat. Suddenly you're at the front of the line. Will you be humiliated or arrested if your newly purchased fake id doesn't pass his inspection? Will you be caught while your friends get inside? So is the life on a college campus with fake ids.