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Fake ID Scams You Should Avoid


Warning signs of a fake id website that will steal your money. 


theives in europe



Fake ID sites based in Eastern Europe are all run by Gypsies and Thieves that will deliver nothing to you.





Stay clear of Chinese fake id sites that want you to wire them money to some tiny, remote village.


Never wire money to anyone! Especially third world countries. Fake ID websites that accept money orders, checks or credit cards are all thieves. Common sense dictates that you can't run a fake id business accepting credit cards


None of my requests for sample ID's to review from websites located in China, Eastern Europe or the UK, have ever been accepted. Why are they afraid to have their IDs reviewed by a site like mine? Because they don't make any fake ids! 


Never buy a fake id from a site located in the US or the UK. They only deliver useless novelty ids. Be smart... and finding that genuine fake id can be easier than you think. Also, if a site uses Bitcoin as payment, ask where they are located.

Buy from the Best Rated Fake ID websites.