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Online Fake ID Website Reviews & Ratings.

fake id card beingheld by reviewerWe do our best to contact and ask every fake id website to submit a sample fake ID for review. If not, we ask to purchase a fake ID at a discounted rate so we can review it for this site. Some do and many others do not accept our requests for theri fake id products. Those that don't agree to submit an ID card do so for a simple reason: They don't sell legit fake ids.

The ID reviews we compiled here come from those online fake id sellers that submitted a sample and from customers that purchased fake IDs from those sellers. If we were to list all the scammers and those that didn't comply with our request for a fake id submission, the list would be endless. We focus on the best ID sellers, and armed with that information you can stay clear of any other sellers looking to steal your money. website photo

Reviewed: 09/14/2018  Cons: NONE


Customer Rating: 10 out of 10
Quality: Above Top Shelf
Price: $120 USD  $80 USD (multiple orders)
Mailing: 1 week
Payment: BitCoin, Cash
Barcodes: Data scannable.
Magstripe Encoding: All three data tracks encoded
Number of Reviewers: 11
Security Features UV Ink, Micro-printing, Shadow photos
Holograms: Yes
Printing: Crisp, clear and vivid

..This is our top choice for high quality fake ids. ranks as the seller where those looking for the best go to buy a fake driver license. Scannable fake id cards come complete with holograms and all other secuirty card features. 11 buyer reviews all highly praising the service and quality of the fake dis from




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Reviewed: 08/21/2018  Cons: NONE


Customer Rating: 10 out of 10
Quality: Top Shelf
Price: $120 USD  $75 USD (multiple orders)
Mailing: 1 week - 2 weeks
Payment: BitCoin, Western Union
Barcodes: Data scannable.
Magstripe Encoding: All three data tracks encoded
Number of Reviewers: 10
Security Features UV Ink, Micro-printing, Shadow photos
Holograms: Yes
Printing: Crisp, clear and vivid
Reviews: ...This is a website who's owners have been around for nearly 20 years selling fake ids before there was an internet. 10 possitive reviews from buyers. Cards swipe correctly. Scannable and with correct security holograms.


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Reviewed: 10/03/2018  Cons: NONE


Customer Rating: 10 out of 10
Quality: Outstanding IDs
Price: $110 USD  $90 USD (multiple orders)
Mailing: 1 week - 2 weeks
Payment: BitCoin, Western Union
Barcodes: Data scannable.
Magstripe Encoding: All three data tracks encoded
Number of Reviewers: 7
Security Features UV Ink, Micro-printing, Shadow photos
Holograms: Yes
Printing: Crisp, clear and vivid
Reviews: ...Prices have gone up due to the popularity of SeeMoreID's. They accepted cash some time ago but have switched over to Bitcoin. Only complaints are they no longer accept cash payments and raising their prices. The Fake ID they sent in for review proved flawless. I higly recommend this seller. You don't survive 8 years online unless you have the quality merchandise.


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Reviewed: 09/28/2018  Cons: NONE


Customer Rating: 9 out of 10
Quality: Outstanding
Price: $110 USD  $85 USD (multiple orders)
Mailing: 1 week - 2 weeks
Payment: BitCoin, Western Union, Paypal
Barcodes: Data scannable.
Magstripe Encoding: All three data tracks encoded
Number of Reviewers: 9
Security Features UV Ink, Micro-printing, Shadow photos
Holograms: Yes
Printing: Crisp, clear and vivid
Reviews: gets 9 out of 10 only because a couple buyers said the colors were slighty off. The ID I received from them looks genuine. It bends perfectly, holograms and secuirty features responded well under blacklight. I saw no problems with my card.



fake id card beingheld by reviewer


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